Could you give
a Smile?!
The Homeless are those who .. Have no shelter, it is known. But they are mostly the references that parents use to scare their children ("If you don't work at school, you'll end up in the street"). The image they convey is that of old men (or old women) bearded (for old woman times too!) alcoholic and dressed in rags. As with everything in life, their condition is deteriorating along with the planet. The false pity of people's look more hypocritical than compassionate, that we often see people throw in the street, and don't say that there has just bournemouth
For many, we've had this look that removes more dignity than he give compassion. Especially that it doesn't help them.
This is what Luigi LI, comedian / writer enough known through the TV, and Little Shao, photographer and filmmaker, make us understand, in a simple way: they photograph the homeless, with,in the hand, instead a sign saying "I'm hungry", an engraved sign of "funny phrase", full of derision. These pictures are the result of a project called "Un Sourire SVP!" Which aims to touch the reality. It's useless to say "Oh, it's pity!", it's better to say that "I'm lucky to have what I have." But above all! Change change the look that we have! As for all the plagues members, the "Fear of Hobo", or just ignorance, and creates a domino effect: a homeless man made ​​a mistake in his life, then come to fear and distrust, if not not hatred and scorn for the whole community.
So yes, you can say "But if we give everything to the homeless, it's nothing for us!" But a smile, a chat, and what is not used, it's a lot! In their place, what would we do? It's simple, we would sitting like idiots, wait, and saying: "Well, when do we eat?"
And we shall not understand the reaction of people towards us ...We may not be clones of Abbé Pierre, but, after all, we are Mens, and a little kindness doesn't flay us!
In speaking of Abbé Pierre, the foundation in his name, which fights against the precariousness of poorly or not housed people, organizes an exhibition with these pictures, which obviously used to "help the needy", for not flay the term.
Admit it, it makes us smile to see a homeless man holding a sign like that! Well, this is the goal: to give a smile, failing to give money. Make a warm contact, that comes by all the time spent by our two gus to roam the streets, discuss and share with these people, of a near world so different from our ...
"Ne dîtes pas "Révolutionnaire", mais "Évolutionnaire"." Mr. Kanard.
by Mr. Kanard